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Dwell Magazine

Building a Lasting Impression

I was again hired to photograph Marcus Bridgewater, famously known as "Garden Marcus," in his vibrant garden for Dwell's outdoor-themed issue. With over one million followers on TikTok and Instagram, Marcus is renowned as TikTok’s most famous gardener and the author of the acclaimed book "How to Grow," praised by the New York Times and Vogue. This photo feature, titled "Seeds of Inspiration," highlighted his positive influence and passion for gardening raising significant sales and online engagement on Dwell's instagram.


Throughout these projects, my focus was on creating visuals that not only captured the essence of the subjects but also told a compelling story. Whether it was the innovative design of the Pemberton Residence or the inspiring personality of Garden Marcus, I aimed to elevate the narrative and engage Dwell's audience.

The Pemberton Residence

I had the privilege of photographing the Pemberton Residence for Dwell Magazine. This project showcased an affordable, yet sophisticated modern home designed by Alterstudio. The aim was to create a contemporary living space inspired by the post-war Eichler Homes of Northern California. My role involved capturing both interior and exterior shots, as well as candid moments of the family interacting within the space. The result was a stunning four-page spread and the front cover of the printed issue, which performed exceptionally well as well across Dwell's social platform.

Completion Year



Dwell Magazine

My Role


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